
Robots Line

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Collaborative Robots
Item No. - ROL 010
Our collabrative robot is specially designed for palletizing, handling and high-speed operation. Its high efficient performance makes work faster.
  • Lightweight :
    Built-in driver, small electric box, saving space and easy to move.
  • Convenience :
    Single-phase 220V is used, and the power can be supplied by a conventional three-hole socket.
  • Save money :
    Compared with conventional industrial robots (30% lower in price), energy consumption is reduced by 30%.
  • Easy maintenance :
    The modular design of each joint is convenient for troubleshooting, and the cost of returning the whole machine to the factory for maintenance is low.
Our collabrative robot is specially designed for palletizing, handling and high-speed operation. Its high efficient performance makes work faster.