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Triple Stations CNC Mirror Polishing Machine (INNER)
Item No. - CKL 034
The triple stations CNC mirror polishing machine (inner) is for cookware inside polishing.
  • This appliance is suitable for kitchen utensils such as pots, pans, bowls, buckets, pots and other metal containers.
  • One set of equipment can complete the three actions of rough throwing, fine throwing and high-precision throwing of kitchen utensils.
  • One set of equipment can complete the polishing of the inner bottom, inner bottom edge and inner wall of the kitchenware.
  • With three stations in one side, one machine can complete 2 workpiece in one time, total six stations in one machine. High production.
  • Polishing machine with multi-station, automatic wax spray and pressure compensation system.
  • CNC system and PLC control, intelligent integration.